“I’ve always been a restless sleeper. Tossing and turning all night long and waking up every morning frustrated from being so tangled in my sheets! That was until my sister introduced me to this amazing device that changed the way I sleep for the better...“
Every night as I crawled into bed I hoped that this time, things would be different.
Because no matter what sheets I used on my mattress, I could never get a good night’s sleep.
As a restless sleeper (and I’m sure you know someone who is), I can’t control how much I toss and turn during the night.
And what makes the tossing and turning worse is...
No matter how tightly I tuck my sheets in, I wake up two, three, sometimes even five or more times every night in a huge tangle of sheets.

And in the morning? I look like a wreck!
Hair sticking out everywhere like Princess Anna in Frozen (you know what I’m talking about).
Huge dark bags under my eyes.
Feeling and looking utterly exhausted.
But nothing I tried seemed to work
I tried different mattresses.
(Didn’t help, the sheets would still pop off.)
I tried oversized fitted sheets.
(But even if they were tucked under deeply my restless legs would still somehow pull them up.)
I even tried sleeping with no sheets.
(But that was just yuck.)
It seemed like no matter what I did, I woke up again and again and again in a crazy tangled mess.
I couldn’t stand it anymore
Once after waking up 5 times overnight, I’d had enough.
There was no way I could keep living like this. So I called up my sister and went to meet her at her place.
She opened the door with her 2-year-old son in her arms.
“You look exhausted!“ She said, shocked. “What happened?“
“You’re going to think I’m crazy but…“ and I broke down in tears, “I just can’t get a good night’s sleep!“
“I toss and turn and toss and turn all night and get tangled up in my sheets all the time! I can’t sleep right because I’m always waking up because I can’t kick my legs free — and I can’t do anything about it!“

My sister looked at me and then burst out laughing.
“Why are you laughing?“ I shook, furious at her. “This isn’t funny!“
She smiled and took my hand and said, “Come, I want to show you something,“ and led me to her bedroom.
And what I saw shocked me.
Her mattress had the most perfect, wrinkle-free sheets I’d ever seen
“Omigosh… what IS that?“ I asked my sister, walking over to touch them. They felt so cool, smooth, and tight.

The corners were perfect, military-style. Making her bed look exactly like it belonged in a hotel.
My sister smiled at me, and then pulled back the cover and sat her son right in the middle of her bed.
“What are you doing?“ I asked, shocked, as he got up and started jumping all over her glorious wrinkle-free sheets with all his 8-year-old energy.

But she just gave me a knowing smile and let him jump and jump and jump… until he got out of breath and climbed back down.
Only now I was really in shock.
Because even after he had jumped all over it… her sheets still looked perfect.
There were a couple of creases, sure. But the entire sheet hadn’t moved an inch. No popped-up corners. Nothing!
Seeing the look on my face, my sister went over to her mattress, gently pulled up the corner of her fitted sheet, and started unclipping what looked like a big hair scrunchie from it.

“This,“ she said, placing it in my hands, “is a Bed Scrunchie.“
I turned it over and over in my hands, studying the elastic and the clips as she explained.
“We originally got one for our son because he tosses and turns just like you.“
“We were always so afraid his fitted sheet would pop off and wrap itself around his face while he was sleeping.“
“But then I saw this on TV and knew I had to try it. And you know what? It actually works! No matter how much he tosses and turns his sheets stay tight and flat all night long!“

“I ended up getting one for every single bed in the house,“ she said, “because it just works so well!“
“And as a bonus,“ she said, winking, “it also makes you feel like you’re sleeping in a 5-star hotel bed!“
Introducing the Bed Scrunchie
With over $2.5 million dollars worth of Bed Scrunchies already sold worldwide, this USA-made sheet holder + extender is growing lightning-fast in popularity!
And it’s not hard to see why!
People everywhere are rushing to get their hands on these BedScrunchies because at some point (just like my sister and I), they’ve struggled with:
- The corners of your sheets popping up during the night
- Sheets that keep wrinkling up no matter what you try
- Bulky mattress toppers that stop your good sheets from fitting right
- Beds that always look messy no matter how tightly you tuck the sheets in
Or even if you just want gorgeous, hotel-style tight and flat sheets for that 5-star luxury feel at home.

See how the Bed Scrunchie works its magic underneath your mattress
Making it perfect for baby and toddler cribs, fold-out beds, adjustable beds, single beds, Queen or King (or even Super King) sized beds, camper beds… literally any bed or mattress, you can think of, the Bed Scrunchie will make the sheets you have fit and never bunch up or slip off!
What’s more, every Bed Scrunchie comes with a 100-night money-back guarantee.
Meaning you can twist, toss, roll, or do anything in your sheets for 100 nights, and it will keep them tight, flat, and wrinkle-free or your money back!
But I was skeptical
I was pretty sure this “wonderful“ bed-sheet-fixer would be harder to use than my sister made it look.
So imagine my shock when I tried it myself… and it took less than 5 minutes to put it on!!

All I needed to do was —

Step 1: Attach the Bed Scrunchie clips to the edges of my sheet

Step 2: Pull the sheet over my bed

Step 3: Pull gently on the drawstring and watch how the sheets became perfectly tight and wrinkle-free in seconds!
In fact, I didn’t even have to lift up my mattress to put it on. I just clipped it to my fitted sheet, pulled it over the mattress, and I instantly had beautiful, tight, hotel-style sheets!
The award-winning BedScrunchie is so popular it has been featured on popular morning shows like Good Morning America and The Wendy Williams Show!
Order your Bed Scrunchie today
I never would have imagined that something like the Bed Scrunchie could guarantee me a good night’s sleep after everything I’d been through.
And as it turns out, I’m not the only one!
With over 80,000 of Bed Scrunchies sold around the world, the award-winning BedScrunchie is being called a “life-saver!“ for those who have ever struggled with sheets that —
- Always get tangled in your feet or legs
- Are too short and pop up over the corners all night long
- Or look wrinkly and messy no matter how tight you tuck them
And besides, with their whopping 100-night money-back guarantee, that means you can try it out night after night after night with no risk to your wallet!
So if you or someone you know has ever struggled with getting their sheets to stay flat and tight on their beds, then the Bed Scrunchie is by far, one of the best purchases you’ll ever make.

Because, really, when you think about it.
How much is a full, restful (and safe) night’s sleep worth to you?
And if your sleep is worth it, then do yourself a favor and click the button below to order your own BedScrunchie right now.
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