After spending YEARS trying to find a diet and exercise routine that worked for me, I’m proud to say: I was finally successful.
Since I started my new diet and exercise routine, I’ve lost 48 pounds – and I’m still losing about a pound a week. I feel healthier. I look better. And most importantly, my confidence has skyrocketed.
However, I’m still not completely happy. I still don’t feel confident in a swimsuit… and I still get self-conscious looking in the mirror.
And recently, I learned I’m far from alone on this. The truth is that most diets fail… and even with a successful diet, you’re likely to end up slightly disappointed with the result. Why?
Two words: “Problem areas.”

If you’ve ever found success with a diet, you know exactly what I’m talking about. We ALL deal with these “problem areas” – and they’re different for everyone.
For me, it’s the tummy… but for others, it’s the arms, chest, legs… you name it. Even though I lost weight… and my thighs and butt got tighter… my belly remained flabby! Heck, I even wore extra clothing just to cover it up… and all summer, I dreaded going to the beach (two more words explain that: love handles).
Now, don’t get me wrong. I feel MUCH better these days. Yet despite months and months of hard work, I was still frustrated by the lack of improvement in certain areas, like my stomach.
But recently, that’s started to change. For the first time in my life, I’ve noticed my “belly fat” starting to disappear. And it’s not due to my diet or exercise… and I haven’t shelled out thousands for an expensive procedure… even though I was sure tempted!
Nope. It’s all thanks to a new at-home system that uses a fascinating technique to cool and reduce the appearance of fat from “problem areas” – without any effort on my part. In fact, I use it while watching TV on the couch! Crazy, right?
Now, don’t get me wrong here… diet and exercise were the reason I was able to even consider attacking my problem areas. But as I’ve learned, diet and exercise can only do so much. If you REALLY want to get the body you imagine for yourself, you may need to use a more “targeted” approach. And in most cases, you need backup!
For me, that backup came in the form of the Isavera Fat Freezing System. Since I’ve started using it, I’ve noticed a massive reduction in the appearance of my “problem area” fat.
Even better, my friends and family have all noticed the difference, too… and I feel confident recommending it to ANYONE (women and men!), because it’s completely safe to use, non-invasive, and has no side effects!
What is the Isavera Fat Freezing System?

To use it, all you do is strap on the specially formulated gel packs and relax. The Isavera Fat Freezing System quickly goes to work for you, cooling stubborn fat cells to the perfect temperature without damaging the skin. It’s painless, easy and works FAST!
Of course, 'fat freezing' techniques like the one Isavera uses are nothing new. If you’ve ever heard of “coolsculpting”, then you’re already familiar with how popular and effective it can be for targeting and eliminating fat from problem areas.
Fat freezing is the secret behind the toned booties, slender thighs and flat tummies of many celebrities… but sadly, it’s always been insanely expensive… we’re talking $10,000+ for a full treatment!
But there’s a big difference between cool sculpting and this new system: the Isavera Fat Freezing System doesn’t cost thousands of dollars… and you can use it anywhere, any time. It’s completely revolutionary – I can see why it has a 4.2-star rating with 4,000+ reviews!
How do you use the Isavera Fat Freezing System?

Using Isavera is easy. All you have to do is freeze the specially formulated gel packs…

add them to the cold isolation wrap…

and strap it on tight!

This activates the fat-cooling process, which creates that slimmer more toned appearance over time (more on that later).
Simply wear Isavera for 60 minutes a day, 3 days per week, and you may see a reduction of fat within a matter of weeks!
Of course, everyone takes different amounts of time to see results, but I saw a noticeable reduction in the appearance of my “problem areas” in less than a month. Now I don’t just feel good about the hard work I’ve put in to get healthier, I also LOOK more toned and fit.

How does the Isavera Fat Freezing System hide stubborn fat so easily?
The beauty of Isavera is that anyone can use it – because the science behind it is completely sound and safe.
Ever wonder why swimmers always have extremely low body fat? It’s because cold temperatures can help shrink fat cells and increase calorie burn.
The cold causes your fat cells to shrink, allowing your body to dispose of these fat cells naturally.1
The Isavera Fat Freezing System is inspired by this well-known technique – helping cool the skin just enough to safely hide that unwanted body fat.
That means Isavera can help you:
- Lessen the appearance of your belly, back and love handle fat
- Safely contour and tone the look of your mid-section
- Hide stretch marks, dimples and “orange peel skin”
It’s really that simple – the science behind fat freezing is backed by hundreds of studies that prove it to be highly effective AND safe.
Bonus: Isavera now includes an amazing FREE gift too!
Even better, to celebrate their launch, Isavera is throwing in a free gift: the innovative Isavera Hand-Held Massager!

This soothing device helps you unlock the most out of the Isavera System. Studies have shown that massaging helps the process – when I use my Isavera Fat Freezing System, it’s like a day at the spa from the comfort of my couch!
I’m so glad this advanced process is finally available to the general public (and no wonder more than 60,000 people have already started using it). I mean, really: Why put up with stubborn fat when you can just freeze it away?!

Verified user reviews²

Testimonial from Verified Customer Warren C.³

Testimonial from Verified Customer Lisa H.4

Testimonial from Verified Customer Kristian Z. 5

Testimonial from Verified Customer 6

Testimonial from Verified Customer C.B.7

Testimonial from Verified Customer Jen R.8
Update: Here’s how to get the best price on the Isavera Fat Freezing System!
If you’re interested in trying out the Isavera Fat Freezing System for yourself, then now is a PERFECT time… because this technique is finally available at home for the first time. People are already catching on so it’s sure to sell out fast! (That’s right… you heard it here first!)
Even better, they’re currently offering a Buy 1, Get 1 35% OFF Deal. This is an excellent deal because you can use Isavera to target multiple areas of the body! You also get 30 days to try it out.
Isavera LLC does not guarantee specific results for individuals who use our products due to many factors that can influence health. Our products are not weight loss systems. We make no warranties or guarantees. Individual results will vary. No individual result should be considered guaranteed or typical. Please consult with your primary care provider before using our products. Isavera's products are not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any conditions or diseases. Individuals who have problems sensing cold should proceed with caution when using our products. Do not use a cooling belt if you have Buerger’s Disease, panniculitis, cold urticaria, cryoglobulinemia, or Raynaud’s phenomenon. Our products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, illness, or medical condition. The results of fat freezing may be temporary. Better results can be achieved in conjunction with daily exercises and the diet plan within our ebook. Content on this page is for reference purposes and is not intended to substitute for advice given by a physician, pharmacist, or other licensed healthcare professional. Please seek the appropriate advice and supervision prior to use. Please always adhere to all warnings.
Reference: The Science Behind Fat Freezing1 | Verified User Reviews2 | Testimonial3 | Testimonial4 | Testimonial5 | Testimonial6 | Testimonial7 | Testimonial8